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Conditionally-Loaded Data

There are times when modders may want to include data-driven objects using information from another mod without having to explicitly make that mod a dependency. Other cases may be to swap out certain objects with other modded entries when they are present. This can be done through the conditional subsystem.


Currently, conditional loading is implemented for recipes and advancements. For any conditional recipe or advancement, a list of conditions to datum pair is loaded. If the conditions specified for a datum in the list is true, then that datum is returned. Otherwise, the datum is discarded.

// The type needs to be specified for recipes as they can have custom serializers
// Advancements do not need this type
"type": "forge:conditional",

"recipes": [ // Or 'advancements' for Advancements
// The conditions to check
"conditions": [
// Conditions in the list are ANDed together
// Condition 1
// Condition 2
"recipe": { // Or 'advancement' for Advancements
// The recipe to use if all conditions succeed
// Next condition to check if the previous fails

Conditionally-loaded data additionally have wrappers for data generation through ConditionalRecipe$Builder and ConditionalAdvancement$Builder.


Conditions are specified by setting type to the name of the condition as specified by IConditionSerializer#getID.

True and False

Boolean conditions consist of no data and return the expected value of the condition. They are represented by forge:true and forge:false.

// For some condition
// Will always return true (or false for 'forge:false')
"type": "forge:true"

Not, And, and Or

Boolean operator conditions consist of the condition(s) being operated upon and apply the following logic. They are represented by forge:not, forge:and, and forge:or.

// For some condition
// Inverts the result of the stored condition
"type": "forge:not",
"value": {
// A condition
// For some condition
// ANDs the stored conditions together (or ORs for 'forge:or')
"type": "forge:and",
"values": [
// First condition
// Second condition to be ANDed (or ORed for 'forge:or')

Mod Loaded

ModLoadedCondition returns true whenever the specified mod with the given id is loaded in the current application. This is represented by forge:mod_loaded.

// For some condition
"type": "forge:mod_loaded",
// Returns true if 'examplemod' is loaded
"modid": "examplemod"

Item Exists

ItemExistsCondition returns true whenever the given item has been registered in the current application. This is represented by forge:item_exists.

// For some condition
"type": "forge:item_exists",
// Returns true if 'examplemod:example_item' has been registered
"item": "examplemod:example_item"

Tag Empty

TagEmptyCondition returns true whenever the given item tag has no items within it. This is represented by forge:tag_empty.

// For some condition
"type": "forge:tag_empty",
// Returns true if 'examplemod:example_tag' is an item tag with no entries
"tag": "examplemod:example_tag"

Creating Custom Conditions

Custom conditions can be created by implementing ICondition and its associated IConditionSerializer.


Any condition only need to implement two methods:

getIDThe registry name of the condition. Must be equivalent to IConditionSerializer#getID. Used only for data generation.
testReturns true if the condition has been satisfied.

Every #test has access to some IContext representing the state of the game. Currently, only tags can be obtained from a registry.


Serializers need to implement three methods:

getIDThe registry name of the condition. Must be equivalent to ICondition#getID.
readReads the condition data from JSON.
writeWrites the given condition data to JSON.

Condition serializers are not responsible for writing or reading the type of the serializer, similar to other serializer implementations in Minecraft.

Afterwards, a static instance should be declared to hold the initialized serializer and then registered using CraftingHelper#register either during the RegisterEvent for RecipeSerializers or during FMLCommonSetupEvent.

// In some serializer class
public static final ExampleConditionSerializer INSTANCE = new ExampleConditionSerializer();

// In some handler class
public void registerSerializers(RegisterEvent event) {
helper -> CraftingHelper.register(INSTANCE)

If using FMLCommonSetupEvent to register a condition serializer, it must be enqueued to the synchronous work queue via FMLCommonSetupEvent#enqueueWork as CraftingHelper#register is not thread-safe.